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Crisis Fatigue


After the Covid crisis, there was hope on the horizon that we may have turned a corner in the fight against the pandemic. That hope might have been dampened by the current cost of living crisis, Brexit and the war in Ukraine so it is understandable if you are feeling stressed and fatigued from everything we have been through in the past couple of years.

Some people are casually able to move on from challenging times and for others they are in a constant state of stress, especially by factors outside of their control. Crisis fatigue is real and keeps people on high alert with surging hormone levels. There are physical symptoms including headaches, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, nausea and dizzy spells as well emotional shifts such as mood swings, irritability, frustration, depression and anxiety.

It is important to remember that we are in control of many areas of our lives and we should focus on those. Most of these will be positive such as family and friends that bring us joy. With regards to wider factors, a few mindset changes can help ease the effects of crisis fatigue.

Reduce Online Interactions

Social media is alive with opinions of worldwide events, some may be true and some maybe fabrication by people with personal agendas. Many will use social media as a platform to anonymously voice anger and frustration but this is not necessarily an accurate reflection of events. Limit your time on social media if you are suffering from crisis fatigue and this will help you filter out the good from the bad with more perspective.

Limit Your Media Time

The media has a large role to play in our everyday lives. We were all glued to it at the beginning of the pandemic but it can be overwhelming and counter productive as it can be persuasive in influencing our views. Try just watching the news once a day and instead of reading the papers in the morning, play Wordle or call a friend instead. This will help lift the crisis fatigue fog as you get a different viewpoint.

Restructure Your World

If certain situations such as the isolation from working at home or large crowds trigger your crisis fatigue, look to change them by restructuring your routine and this can help relieve your stress. Share your concerns with your manager, colleagues, friends or family and they will be a source of comfort and guidance.

If you are suffering from chronic crisis fatigue, seek the support of a mental health professional. They will be able to assist you in taking back control and help you feel more like yourself.
