The Greener Side of Life

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February 22, 2024
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The Greener Side of Life

We’re no strangers to bad weather in this country but this year we have seen forest fires, hurricanes, heat waves, floods and storms rage across the globe destroying homes, businesses, infrastructures, land and ecosystems. There is no doubt, urgent action is required to tackle climate change.

Governments and companies are committing to Net Zero and as individuals we are well versed at doing ‘our bit’ by recycling, buying plastic-free products, reducing energy use and trying to travel sustainably. Science has also shown that there is a feel good factor to the greener side of life.

The Journal of Environmental Psychology (2020) Report ‘Why going green feels good’ notes that sustainable actions lead to positive outcomes: “Recent research found that when asked explicitly, people associate (future) sustainable actions with positive instead of negative emotions.

The relationship between sustainable actions and anticipated positive emotions is not merely a matter of social desirability, but rather a matter of meaning: acting sustainably is often perceived as a moral choice and thus as a meaningful course of action, which can elicit positive emotions.”

We are always advocating how important it is being at one with nature as it is good for both your physical and mental wellbeing, we can now add that adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle can contribute to you feeling happier. It gives a sense of purpose that you are making a positive difference, it is fulfilling to know that you are doing your part to make the planet better for future generations. It allows older generations to connect to younger generations who are incredibly environmentally conscious.

Being mindful of consuming less, making caring purchasing choices and avoiding harmful products can give you a sense of empowerment. It can also be very kind to your wallet and improve your overall standard of living.

The greener side of life can generate feelgood vibes, is good for the soul and is also the right thing to do for a more sustainable future. Every small change you make contributes to creating a fairer society that doesn’t impact climate change and goes a little way to restoring our beautiful planet back to its natural beauty.