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Keep It Honest

Keep It Honest

Honesty is the best policy or so they say. We are told as children that lying is wrong so it is a conflict of your personal values if you find yourself lying in your adult life.

It is too simple to say that no one should ever lie, there are reasons where it can deemed necessary such as protecting the confidentiality of a colleague but transparency and openness create a great culture where everyone is trusted.

Integrity is a cornerstone of successful business life, it builds trust, consistency and true relationships. Some people cannot handle the truth, especially if they are being criticised, but if everyone is treated in the same manner then you can rely on the fact that it is not personal.

During the pandemic, certain senior government figures were allegedly caught in a lie and the mistrust that followed gave people the green light to stop following the rules with the ‘if it is good enough for them, it is good enough for me’ ideology. Rules in our personal and working lives are there to keep us safe and when we doubt the integrity of those who create the rules, confusion arises.

There is an art to being honest and it is a balance between the truth and diplomacy. Differing viewpoints and interests will always cause debates, they are a good thing as we look to challenge and improve our working lives. If you are too brutal with the truth it can be hurtful and cause long-term conflicts so how you communicate is the key to being honest. What would you prefer to hear – “You are lazy and have been slacking off this week” or “I’ve noticed you have been a bit distracted this week so you need to step up your efforts please?”.

There will of course be occasions for brutal honesty when an employee or colleague has stepped over the line or broken the rules but it is likely to come with consequences. Diplomatic honesty is the preferable option in most scenarios as long as it is a candid discussion so that you don’t fall into the habit of hiding the truth because it is easier. It is a thin line between honesty and diplomacy; what you say and how you say it is the most important thing. What is clear is that no good comes from telling a lie as you are bound to get caught out so as the old adage goes ‘think before you speak’.